
技术编号:9627070 阅读:147 留言:0更新日期:2014-01-30 17:08

A car water cut bright anodized hanger

The utility model belongs to the technical field of anodic oxidation of chemical equipment, provides a car water cut bright anodized hanger, including the main frame and the main frame part fixedly connected with the hanging rod, a main frame part are respectively provided with a connecting component and the lower hanging connect components, connecting components including the hanging rod and the hanging hook is hung on titanium, titanium hooks are arranged on the connecting rod, the hook is hung on a titanium clip, wherein the hooks hanging assembly includes a connecting rod and hanging hook hooks connected with titanium, titanium hooks are arranged on the hanging rod and the hanging hook is connected with titanium clip mouth. The utility model has the advantages of simple structure, the overall use of titanium structure (the main frame, titanium, titanium hook) using whole structure, easy fabrication, corrosion resistance, low maintenance cost, the two side of the upper and lower ends of the clip fixed water cut bright, which hang up products, a titanium frame can meet the whole product life cycle, and can be hung around the two row, a multiple products can be anodized.





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