
技术编号:9627063 阅读:92 留言:0更新日期:2014-01-30 17:07

A car collector decorative strip crimping type electroplating special hanger

The utility model relates to a dust collector car decorative strip crimping type electroplating special hanger, including hanging rack, electrode and installation of beam hanging electrode is fixedly arranged on the middle upper end of the rack. The rack is a rectangular truss spacing is fixed with a plurality of beams are installed in cloth rack, which is characterized in that the installation the beam front and rear sides are respectively fixed with a hook and elastic strip under the pressure of the elastic, elastic hook is fixedly arranged on the installation beam under pressure above the elastic strip, a hook hook in the elastic strip end system. The hanging hook and the crimp type elastic strip and the outer end plate made of elastic strip, can ensure the products to be plated hanging reliability, the product is not easy to fall off, and can effectively prevent the plating product deformation, effectively ensuring the quality and appearance of electroplating.





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