
技术编号:9624185 阅读:95 留言:0更新日期:2014-01-30 14:56

Wax crusher

A wax crusher, which comprises a frame, a motor, a rotating cylinder, two bearing seat and two rotating shafts, motor and chassis are connected on the frame and the casing is connected with a feed hopper and a discharge hopper, the drum is positioned in the casing, the drum is fixedly connected with a plurality of first and second movable blade to activities blade, a plurality of first movable blades and a plurality of second movable blade in the circumferential and axial uniform staggered distribution on a drum, a two fixed on the inner wall of equal spacing is connected with a plurality of fixed blade matched with the first movable blade and the movable blade number second, two bearing seats are respectively connected with both ends of the left machine shell the drum ends are respectively connected with a rotating shaft at one end, the other end of the corresponding bearing two of the shaft is connected between the motor, through the motor shaft end and one end of the shaft Chain wheel and chain connection. The utility model can effectively avoid the influence of the wax material which is splashed by the blade, so that the crushing effect can be maintained at all times.





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