The utility model relates to a multi media filter, comprising a filter body, including solution entrance, upper cross tube, the liquid inlet pipe and the outlet solution, the lower transverse pipe and the liquid outlet pipe is arranged on the transverse solution entrance, the liquid inlet pipe is connected with a horizontal pipe, a liquid inlet pipe on the other one end of the filter body and the top connection, the transverse pipe is arranged under the liquid outlet and the liquid outlet pipe is connected with the lower transverse pipe, a liquid outlet pipe and the other end is connected to the bottom of the filter, the filter body from top to bottom is provided with a first filter layer, the second filter layer, the third filter layer, the fourth filter the first layer and the fifth layer filter, filter layer and fifth filter layers are filled with quartz sand, there are second polyester cotton filling filter layer and a fourth filter layer, the third filter layer is filled with activated carbon. The utility model can effectively filter the low molecular sol in the two methyl sulfoxide water solution in the coagulating bath, so that the aqueous solution of the two methyl sulfoxide is changed from turbidity to clarification.
本技术的目的是提供一种对碳纤维原丝纺制过程中凝固浴溶液进行有效过滤以确保碳纤维凝固成形质量的多介质过滤器。实现本技术目的的技术方案如下:一种多介质过滤器,包括过滤器本体,还包括溶液入口、上横管、进液管、溶液出口、下横管以及出液口,所述上横管一端设置溶液入口,所述进液管一端与上横管连接,进液管另一端与过滤器本体顶部连接,所述下横管一端设置溶液出口,所述出液管一端与下横管连接,出液管另一端与过滤器底部连接,所述过滤器本体内从上至下依次设有第一过滤层、第二过滤层、第三过滤层、第四过滤层以及第五过滤层,第一过滤层和第五过滤层内均填充有石英砂,第二过滤层和第四过滤层内均填充有聚酯棉,第三过滤层内填充有活性炭。所述上横管远离溶液入口的一端设有无离子水出口,所述下横管远离溶液入口的一端设有无离子水入口。所述过滤器本体上与第二过滤层相对应处设有视窗。所述过滤器本体由上端封头、容器罐体以及底部封头组成。所述上横管上设置有出口压力表。所述下横管上设置有入口压力表。[0011 ] 所述底部封头设有溶液排放口。采用上述结构后,本技术能有效过滤凝固浴中二甲基亚砜水溶液 ...
1.一种多介质过滤器,包括过滤器本体(7),其特征在于:还包括溶液入口(8)、上横管(9)、进液管(10)、溶液出口(11)、下横管(12)以及出液管(13),所述上横管(9)一端设置溶液入口(8),所述进液管(10)—端与上横管(9)连接,进液管(10)另一端与过滤器本体(7)顶部连接,所述下横管(12)—端设置溶液出口(11),所述出液管(13)—端与下横管(12)连接,出液管(13 )另一端与过滤器本体(7 )底部连接,所述过滤器本体(7 )内从上至下依次设有第一过滤层(I)、第二过滤层(2)、第三过滤层(3)、第四过滤层(4)以及第五过滤层(5),第一过滤层(I)和第五过滤层(5 )内均填充有石英砂,第二过滤层(2 )和第四过滤层(4 )内均填充有聚酯棉,第三过滤层(3 )内填充有活性炭。2.根据...