The utility model belongs to the technical field of medical instruments. In order to overcome the current problems in the stimulation of acupoint drug fumigation cannot be carried out, the utility model provides an acupoint massager, which comprises an operating rod, the massage head is fixed at the end of the operating rod, inlaid in the surface of the massage head to stimulate the ball, stimulate the ball and the massage head vibrating device is characterized in that the stimulation of the ball is provided with a through hole, the through hole is opened at the bottom surface of the ball to stimulate, stimulate the ball up to the surface of the other end hole opening to the massage head and the operating rod in tube connected to the operating rod inside the tube, to extend to the operating rod and the tail end is provided with a drug interface. The acupoint stimulation massager has the advantages of reasonable structure and simple operation, and can be widely used in the health care and rehabilitation treatment process.
穴位刺激是祖国医学的一项重要内容,在人体保健或病后康复过程中经常采用该 手段。以中风病人为例,在后期的康复过程中穴位刺激是必不可少的手段之一。目前进行 穴位刺激的手段主要有针灸或穴位外按摩刺激。穴位外按摩刺激常采用手指或借助于现有 的按摩器进行,目前常见的按摩器包括按摩头、操作杆,在按摩头内安装振动装置,按摩头 的表面设有刺激球,通过振动装置的震动带动刺激球对穴位进行刺激按摩。但是在康复过 程中发现,如果在穴位刺激的同时对穴位进行药物熏蒸会对病人的康复起到积极的效果, 而采用该综合康复手段时,多是将穴位刺激与药物熏蒸分开进行,然而穴位在停止刺激后, 其吸收药物的能力大为减弱,造成药物熏蒸失败。
为克服目前在进行穴位刺激时药物无法进行熏蒸的技术问题,本技术提供一 种能够同时对穴位进行刺激按摩及药物熏蒸的穴位刺激按摩器。本技术采用的技术方案为:穴位刺激按摩器,其包括一操作杆,在操作杆的 端部固定按摩头,按摩头的表面镶嵌刺激球,刺激球与按摩头内的振动装置相连,其特征在 于:所述的刺激球设有贯通孔,贯通孔的一端开口于刺激球底部表面,贯通孔的另一端开口 于按摩头内的刺激球表面并与操作杆内的给药管连接,操作杆内的给药管延伸至操作杆尾 端并在该端设有给药接口。通过上述描述可知,该穴位刺激器通过在其内部设置给药管,在刺激穴位的同时 可以采用雾化给药的方式对穴位进行药物熏蒸,穴位在受到刺激的状态下可以对药物进行 快速吸收,从而达到刺激按摩与雾化给药同步进行的效果,有 ...