
技术编号:9621573 阅读:109 留言:0更新日期:2014-01-30 11:16

Mold and method for impregnating fiber roving

A mold and method for impregnating fiber roving (142) from a polymeric resin (214) are disclosed. The die comprises a manifold assembly (220), an immersion zone, and a grid level channel (270). The manifold assembly flows through the resin (214) and includes a plurality of tributary channels (222). The immersion zone is in fluid communication with the manifold assembly and constructs an impregnated zone for impregnating the roving by resin. The gate channel (270) is between the manifold assembly and the impregnation zone (250) and causes the resin to flow from the manifold assembly so that the resin is coated with roving. The method includes flowing the polymer resin through the manifold assembly. The method further comprises coating at least one fiber roving with resin and passing the coated roving across the impregnation zone to impregnate the roving by resin. In the impregnated zone, the roving is at about 5 Newton - about 300 Newton tension.





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