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技术编号:9619140 阅读:162 留言:0更新日期:2014-01-30 07:15

Chemical reaction method and device combining magnetic field with vortex

A method and device for chemical reaction and the combination of magnetic vortex, one or more fluid independently and simultaneously a certain flow rate through a vortex generating device and magnetic field mixing and centripetal vortex movement after the discharge, the formation of new compounds. The vortex generating device is a funnel-shaped structure composed of a main body container and a vortex tube feed port, and a magnetic field generator is arranged around the vortex generating device. The fluid passes through the vortex tube in a vortex flow mode, and finally the liquid vortex flows out at the end of the path. Due to the mixing of fluid in the vortex tube makes the radial vortex flow is special, with the vacuum zero point energy coherent vortex centripetal pressure field, the field to a certain degree, can change the chemical bond of various molecules or the original fluid group, and re two (species) or multiple (kind) molecules or molecules for the synthesis of compounds with compression of molecules or molecular structure of the new regiment. The magnetic field further promotes the occurrence of various new chemical reactions.





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