The invention provides a ceramic insulator crack detection method, device and system. The method comprises: collecting experimental modal analysis response signal to be detected in porcelain insulator and porcelain insulator without crack; finite element according to the physical properties of porcelain insulator porcelain insulator model establish the modal analysis of the porcelain insulator are determined respectively; the natural frequency of the detected porcelain no crack insulator and porcelain insulator according to the finite element model of response signal, the detection of porcelain insulator and porcelain insulator without crack; determine the crack position to be measured according to the natural frequency of porcelain insulators and crack position between the inherent frequency of the detection of porcelain insulator and porcelain insulator without crack and pre acquisition of porcelain insulator. The method to establish the finite element model of cracked porcelain insulator, analysis of the influence of different crack location and size of the porcelain insulator inherent frequency, so as to achieve the purpose of detecting porcelain insulator cracks, improve the safety and reliability of porcelain insulators.
高压支柱瓷绝缘子是输电线路和变电站的重要组成部分,主要用于发电厂、变电站母线等的绝缘和机械固定以及作为隔离开关等的组成部件。高压支柱瓷绝缘子一般由实心瓷体和上、下金属附件通过水泥胶装组成。随着电力行业的迅猛发展,对高压支柱瓷绝缘子(含瓷套)的服役性能要求越来越高,及时掌握它们的服役状态,对于电力系统的安全运行具有至关重要的意义。在役绝缘子由于长期处于露天,工作环境恶劣,受外界影响因素很多,例如风、雨、冰雹、雪、日晒和气候温差的变化都使得瓷体的附加应力增大,易在法兰处出现裂纹或者折断。一方面,原因在于高温烧结成的瓷件,如果在制作过程中配方不当,原料混合不均,易形成瓷件内部缺陷,由于没有固有的形变能且韧性极低,长 ...