The invention discloses an addressable electrically tunable imaging spectroscopy infrared detection chip, including the electrically tunable liquid crystal module, spectrum imaging array uncooled infrared detector and a drive control processing module; electrically tunable liquid crystal spectral imaging module includes a plurality of array distribution of electrically tunable liquid crystal spectral imaging unit for the target structure, multi-level high beam the coherent reflection interference occurs, through independent regulation of load voltage signal imaging spectroscopy on liquid crystal structure unit of the electric tunable wavelength spectrum of infrared light through the electrically tunable liquid crystal structure imaging spectroscopy unit array; uncooled infrared detector for infrared light spectrum is converted into electrical signals through the electrically tunable liquid crystal module imaging spectroscopy the drive and control; preprocessing module for photoelectric signal quantization, registration and nonuniformity correction, target infrared image data. The chip can realize addressable fast recording, spectrum search, spectrum gaze, spectrum tracking or spectral locking, easy coupling and other optical, photoelectric and mechanical structure, good environmental adaptability.
通常情况下,自然界中的物质结构均具有可标记的指纹性电磁辐射能谱形态,常以纳米/皮米级谱宽的光频电磁辐射形式呈现出来,出现在成像系统视场中的是本征谱辐射特征各异的目标与景物。基于谱福射特征相对稳定这一属性捕捉复杂背景环境中的局域目标,通过光学硬件将目标直观地凸显出来,将有效降低信息处理量,节省电子资源,显著提升目标的电子图像构建、信息处理和系统应对速度。目前已广泛应用的谱成像措施包括:(一)通过能谱测量解算宽谱图像,得到静态或前一缓变时段的序列谱图像;(二)基于谱波束变换得到目标的静态或缓变时序谱图像;(三)通过级联滤波或多级次相干干涉得到目标的序列谱图像;(四)通过配置多台套并行工作的谱成像装置,得到 ...