The invention relates to an antifreezing method of a flat solar water heater, belonging to the solar energy technical field. Its technical solution is: in connection with the water tank and collector in the upper header and the lower collecting pipe of the circulating pipe and a lower circulating pipe, the connecting pipe and the circulation pipe on the set, the next set of connecting pipe and a lower circulating pipe are respectively arranged between flexible telescopic tube, when the flat plate collector the upper and lower pipe and the exhaust pipe and circulating pipe between the water freezes in the low temperature, volume expansion, flexible telescopic tube is extruded contraction, compressed gas volume is far greater than the amount of expansion when water freezes, it will not cause the collector pressure and cracking, the method of the invention can to solve the problem of the traditional flat plate solar water heater in the process of solving the antifreeze effectively, resulting in additional energy loss and the heat loss and high cost, which can effectively prevent the damage of plate type solar water heater due to icing caused by solar energy is guaranteed The heating efficiency of the water heater avoids the two maintenance problem.
平板太阳能热水器因安装方便,便于和建筑一体化应用相结合而得到迅速发展,逐步取代传统的真空管式太阳能热水器,但平板太阳能热水器由于设计和结构上的原因,冬季会存在平板集热器及循环管部分因低温造成水结冰而冻坏设备的隐患,目前对于该现象通常采取的防冻措施主要有以下几种: I在水箱与平板集热器的循环管路上加装一台循环泵,当平板集热器内的温度低于设定的温度时,循环泵强制循环,将水箱内的热水充注到平板集热器内,提高集热器内的温度,以此达到防冻的目的。其缺点: a冬季防冻时将水箱内的热水充注到平板集热器会造成热损增大; b加装循环泵增加了电能消耗,使热水器生产成本大幅提高,不便于推广应用。2水箱内采用双层夹套式或水箱内加装盘管等方法,与平板集热器组成间接换热,平板集热器内充注防冻液,因防冻液的冰点低于冬季的最低环境气温,平板集热器及循环管不会出现结冰现象,以此达到防冻的目的。其缺点: a间接换热效率低下,不能充分利用太阳能; b防冻液易挥发,需要经常补充,后期维护困难; c因水箱内采用双层夹套式或水箱内加装盘管等方法,造成热水器生产成本大幅提高,不便于推广应用。
针对上述存在问题,本专利技术的目的在于提供,为了实现上述目的,其技术解决方案为: ,在连接水箱与集热器中的上集管和下集管的上循环管和下循环管中,采用对连接的上集管和上循环管、连接的下集管和下循环管中间分别设置柔性伸缩管,柔性伸缩管的两端呈封闭状,柔性伸缩管的直径与上集管、下集管的直径比为1:3。所述的柔性伸缩管为硅胶管或橡胶管 ...