
技术编号:9614354 阅读:79 留言:0更新日期:2014-01-30 00:16

Abrasion resistant epoxy powder coating for pipeline

The invention relates to a pipeline with wear resistant epoxy powder coating, the quality percentage of its components are: epoxy resin 35 ~ 60%; phenolic curing agent 5 ~ 12%; latent amine curing agent 1 ~ 10% and 0.1 ~ 2%; curing agent; filler is 20 ~ 45%; pigment 0.5 ~ 1%; 0.5 ~ 1% benzoin flow; leveling agent 0.4 ~ 1%; additive type resin 1 ~ 30%; fumed silica 0.5 ~ 1%. The preparation method comprises the following steps: 1, said the material, said the removal of silica raw materials outside, the error is less than 0.1%; high speed dispersion machine for mixing with the twin-screw extruder; 3; 4 5 6 tablet; crushing; grinding: the qualified 120 epoxy powder coating packing. The invention of the coating based on epoxy system, adding curing agent and additive type resin to increase the crosslinking density and hardness of the coating, improve the wear resistance of the coating; the coating performance can reach 0394 of the American Association of Corrosion Engineers certification requirements of the present invention after curing.





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