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技术编号:9612850 阅读:126 留言:0更新日期:2014-01-29 22:06

An efficient and stable oblique inverted airfoil

The invention discloses an oblique wing inverter is efficient and stable, including the left and right located on both sides of the vehicle, the left wing structure and symmetry, which is characterized in that the aerodynamic layout and width is not consistent, the overall combination for forward swept wings on both sides or in the front part of the air flow trend, the first contact with the left wing the guide vane are respectively arranged at the end part of the stream, the final touch of the left and right wings are respectively arranged on the wing; the aircraft wings on both sides in the positive view, both sides of the wing wing extension axis angle direction and axis angle to the inverse of curly wings. Due to the adoption of the wing structure, reduce resistance and improves efficiency, so the invention can use smaller aircraft tail even from the vertical tail, thus simplifying the flight control components and control method of the invention can be used for high-speed aircraft to improve the speed of a motor, can also be used to improve the low speed high load vehicle lifting performance.

现在的飞行器机翼设计一般有鸭翼、主翼、尾翼和垂尾(或V形尾),用于为飞行器提供升力和飞行控制,但是由于各个翼体的分开,导致飞行器气流扰动加强,增加了飞行器的能耗,降低了飞行器结构强度。中国专利局于2005年7月13日公开了【专利技术者】林仕华 申请人:林仕华




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