
技术编号:9612193 阅读:162 留言:0更新日期:2014-01-29 21:05

Blow molding pallet grasping robot structure

The utility model relates to a grab robot structure for blow molding trays, belonging to the technical field of industrial automatic manipulator. Including the slewing mechanism, arranged on the floor; the upper arm lifting mechanism, a rotating mechanism, connected with the rotary mechanism; the upper arm, located in the upper arm lifting mechanism, with the upper arm lifting mechanism; the lower arm lifting mechanism, located in the upper arm, the upper arm and the lower arm is connected with the left end; and the lower arm lifting mechanism, and in arm lifting mechanism under the upward or downward movement; the fixed frame horizontal displacement mechanism, located in the lower arm of the left; the fixed frame, connected with a fixed frame horizontal displacement mechanism; take rotary mechanism of blow molding tray escapement, is arranged on the fixed bracket; blowing plastic pallet escapement from Taiwan, connected with the rotary escapement for blow molding trays one side of the body, take back the blow molding tray capture blow molding tray seizing slewing mechanism of Taiwan of the four corners of each blow molding tray clamping mechanism. It saves labor resources and reduces the operator's work intensity. It does not harm the operators adversely.

上面提及的吹塑托盘的概念及其功用可以通过对中国专利技术专利授权【专利技术者】张礼华, 王余彬, 邱建成 申请人:江苏科技大学, 苏州同大机械有限公司




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