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Neonectrolide A在制备治疗促进小肠蠕动药物中的应用制造技术

技术编号:9610725 阅读:152 留言:0更新日期:2014-01-29 18:54

The use of Neonectrolide and A in the preparation of drugs for the treatment of small bowel movements

The present invention relates to Neonectrolide? A in the preparation of drugs in promoting the application of small intestinal peristalsis, from pharmacological experiments showed that Neonectrolide? A has a good effect to promote intestinal peristalsis, the present invention relates to the preparation of Neonectrolide? A in use to promote the peristalsis of small intestine in medicine belongs to the public for the first time, is the framework of the new type, and its promotion small bowel activity is strong, had the prominent substantive features, at the same time for the preparation of drugs of promoting gastrointestinal peristalsis obviously has significant progress.

Neonectrol ide A在制备治疗促进小肠螺动药物中的应用
本专利技术涉及化合物Neonectrolide A的新用途,尤其涉及Neonectrolide A在制备治疗促进小肠蠕动药物中的应用
本专利技术涉及的化合物Neonectrolide A是一个2012年发表(Jinwei Ren, etal., Neonectrolide A, a New Oxaphenalenone Spiroketal from the Fungus Neonectriasp.0rganic Letters, 2012, 14 (24)6226 - 6229.)的新化合物,该化合物拥有全新的骨架类型,目前的用途仅仅涉及抑制部分肿瘤细胞增殖(Jinwei Ren, et al., Neonectrolide A, aNew Oxaphenalenone Spiroketal from the Fungus Neonectria sp.0rganic Letters,2012,14 (24) 6226 - 6229.),本专利技术涉及的Neonectrolide A在制备治疗促进小肠蠕动药物中的用途属于首次公开。
本专利技术提出Neonectrolide A在制备促进小肠螺动药物中的应用。从药理实验看出,Neonectrolide A有较好的促进小肠螺动的作用。可以用于多种小肠螺动不良疾病的治疗。由于本专利技术首次公开Neonectrolide A在促进小肠螺动方面的药理作用。所述化合物Neonectrolide A结构如式(I )所示:


1.Neonectrolide A在制备治疗促进小肠螺动药物中的...


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