The invention discloses a forage feeding pigs, which is composed of the following quality percentage of raw materials: 78% to 82% of the balance of material, grass powder, the main ingredient is prepared from the following raw materials in weight portion: 62 - 66, corn bran 14 ~ 18. Because of the forage feeding pigs with the addition of herbage material, the secretion of digestive gland can not only stimulate the pig, and joining Zhuliao after use of forage to supplement the protein and calcium content in the material, adding vitamins and minerals, so as to improve the material utilization rate, with high digestibility and nutritional value perfect; due to the use of the raw material components of forage feeding pigs, pigs can improve health; because the feed does not contain any antibiotics, hallucinogenic, clenbuterol, hormones and other drugs, so there is no problem of drug resistance, drug residues, especially the production of pork delicious rich nutrition.
中国的养猪业正进入高速发展阶段,猪的饲料直接影响产量和质量,在养殖肉猪、山猪过程中,所用的精饲料,传统上以鱼粉、肉骨粉、豆柏、玉米、小麦为主原料。在肉猪、山猪饲料生产中,原料来源己成重大问题:海洋捕捞过度致使鱼粉大幅减产,饲料主要蛋白质面临难以为继;玉米、大豆、小麦、稻谷等传统的饲料粮食价格高涨,货源紧缺;饲料添加剂过量使用,化学生长激素和化学抗生素药物的滥用,以致残留量超标,已成为食品安全的“杀手";饲料配方不当,消化不良,粪便富营养化,使之发酵产生大量的氨气和硫化氢臭味体,随之排泄而成为环境污染源。欧盟等西方发达国家在饲料中已全面禁止使用肉骨粉、化学抗生素。中国也在积极采取相关的应对措施。词料的问题一直长期困扰肉猪养殖业,成本是关键,在词料中,每增加 ...