
技术编号:9607452 阅读:113 留言:0更新日期:2014-01-23 09:04

Coupler counterforce hinge seat device

A coupler force hinge seat device consists of two identical coupler force hinge seat assembly, coupler force hinge seat assembly comprises a coupler force bearing and coupler force bearing adapter plate, the coupler force bearing middle vertical plate is arranged on the coupler mounting hole, and one side is provided with two coupler the force bearing T groove coupler, force bearing adapter plate which is provided with a T groove, in the middle of each two T type groove part is provided with two rows of coupler force bearing adapter plate mounting hole, is fixedly connected with the coupler force bearing through the coupler force bearing adapter plate T groove in T type bolt with the coupler force bearing adapter plate. The utility model has the advantages of reasonable design, simple structure, low manufacturing cost and difficulty; the installation is more convenient, save test time, improve the work efficiency; in the experimental stage and so on, and can adjust to different parts so that at the end of a car coupler, the use of a relatively wide range, strong versatility.





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