
技术编号:9607179 阅读:138 留言:0更新日期:2014-01-23 08:52

Paddle Dryer

A paddle dryer, which comprises a base and a host is supported by a fixed frame on the base of the host shell of the front and rear end are respectively provided with a front and a rear end cover, the shell is provided with parallel by the same power mechanism drives the operation of the two hollow mixing shaft, a hollow stirring shaft is provided with a wedge type hollow blade, each hollow the stirring shaft consists of an outer tube and an inner tube, the outer tube and the inner tube is formed between the annular cavity, the inner tube corresponding to each wedge is provided with hollow blade through the outer tube is inserted into the wedge type hollow blade in steam pipe, condensed on the outer pipe corresponding to each wedge and wedge type hollow blade is communicated with the hollow blade wedge type, hollow blade and a baffle plate is arranged between the steam pipe and condensed, each hollow mixing shaft is arranged at the rear end of the rotary joint. The utility model changes the steam out of the way, so that the steam and condensate by rotary joint import from the discharge end, can reduce the transmission end bearing, gear reducer and temperature, can reduce the bearing vibration, can avoid the equipment damage accidents occur jacket stents may be caused by stress concentration, prolong the service life of the equipment.





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