
技术编号:9606494 阅读:127 留言:0更新日期:2014-01-23 08:30

Dustproof shock absorbing cover

The utility model provides a dust-proof damping hood, belonging to the technical field of machinery. The utility model solves the problems of complicated structure and high production cost of the existing dust damping hood. The dustproof damping cover, cover body including cross section circular, the inside of the cover body with a cavity through the cover body, cover with damping of distribution along the direction of the center line of the body, the cover body side along the direction of the center line has an opening cover along the opening in the physical, one side of the opening of the cover body is provided with a clipping the Ministry, on the other side of the cover body and can clamp part with the clamping groove. The dustproof damping cover is provided with an opening arranged in the direction of the central line, the two sides of the opening are respectively provided with a clamping part and a clamping slot, and the dust damping cover is convenient to assemble and disassemble, and the maintenance cost is low. The clamping joint, the clamping groove and the cover body are an integral structure, and can be manufactured by one-time molding, and the processing is convenient, and the production cost is low.





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