The utility model discloses an internal combustion engine starter coil spring without impact, including handle, handle, socket shell, small gear, gear, friction plate, coil spring plate, coil spring, wheel cover, spindle, claw disc, claw disc cover, claw sleeve, brake block, friction block, small spring. The key lies in: the pinion shaft passes through the shell, and a handle socket with the key connection; one end of the main shaft bearing hole is inserted in the shell on the inside, from the end to the other end placed large gear, friction plate, coil spring plate, coil spring, wheel cover, claw disc, claw disc friction disc edge cover; symmetrically arranged two wedge friction block and the friction plate movable joint, two circular surface friction block side friction disc, the other side of the shell on the starter shell friction block; the friction block before and after the two end is connected with a small spring is fixed on the casing, and the front end system The tooth of the brake block is meshed with the big gear and the big gear is engaged with the small gear. The utility model can control the rotation speed when the coil spring is released, so that the internal combustion engine can start under the condition of no impact, and the harm of the instantaneous impact force of the Jian Xiaoshi can be greatly increased, and the reliability of the starter can be improved.
随着我国城市化的推进,大量农民工进城,农村急缺劳动力,实现农业机械化成为亟待解决的问题。内燃机尤其是柴油机是广泛使用的一种动力机械,主要用于农用运输车、灌溉、收割、农副产品加工等农机设备上,在农村市场极大。内燃机在工作前必须借助一套起动机构才能进入运转状态,通常的起动方式有电起动和机械起动。电起动方式利用电动机带动内燃机起动,省时、省力,使用方便、安全,但由于农机设备工作具有季节性特点,使其工作时间短,闲置时间长,如果没有及时对蓄电池充电维护,容易造成使用时蓄电池电源不足或出现其他故障,对于没有专业知识的一般用户不懂如何维护蓄电池,常常会耽误农作。目前大部分农机设备的内燃机都使用机械起动方式,其中主要有手摇式和手拉式。手摇起动方式是将摇柄与曲轴结合,用力摇转摇柄,使曲轴转速达到足够高时内燃机方能起动。手拉起动方式原理类似,用拉绳代替摇柄,其主要使用在小型内燃机上。手摇和手拉起动方式都需要较大力气,特别是在冬天,柴油机在低温条件下较难起动,需要足够的动力,所以在冬天不管手摇还是手拉起动方式都不容易让柴油机成功起动,尤其是现在农村大部分身强力壮的年轻人都外出打工,只留下一些老弱病残者在家中,对于他们想起动内燃机是力不从心。为解决上述问题现在市面上出现了许多卷簧蓄能起动器,就是先使用较小力气摇转摇柄,一圈一圈带动卷簧转动,当卷簧慢慢卷紧后,需要起动内燃机时,让卷簧储存的能量一下子释放转化为机械能带动曲轴转动,其转速很大,足够满足内燃机起动所需的起动转速,使内燃机可靠起动,即使在冬天也没问题,这样像老弱病残一类体力弱点 ...