
技术编号:8970972 阅读:212 留言:0更新日期:2013-07-26 02:57

Double foot line deconcentrator

Double foot line deconcentrator, including pneumatic motor, blade angle, foot line fixing device, foot pump; the pneumatic motor is arranged vertically, the foot pump connected with the pneumatic motor inlet, the lower part of the piston pneumatic motor is fixedly connected with the angle of the blade; a foot line fixing device is arranged below the blade angle, the the foot line fixing device is provided with a fixed hole transverse to the axis of the angle of the edge of the blade is below the corresponding fixed hole; axis angle between the blade and the fixing hole is arranged at the position of blade is inserted into the mouth. Fixed hole operation will double foot line into the foot line fixing device, one end of the double foot line at the top of the movable upper slider positioning. Then use the foot light foot foot foot pump, pump the compressed gas cylinder drive motor generates a stroke, drives the blade angle downward, oblique blade through a blade insertion port, the center position can be inserted in the foot line, then gently pull the foot line, the line that separates the foot blade angle.





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