
技术编号:8945849 阅读:174 留言:0更新日期:2013-07-21 19:04

Rear finished product water drip groove

The utility model belongs to the technical field of building engineering, in particular to a rear finished product water dripping groove. The utility model is characterized in that the utility model is characterized in that the utility model is characterized in that the utility model is characterized in that the utility model is characterized in that the utility model is characterized in that the utility model is characterized in that the utility model is characterized in that the utility model is characterized in that the utility model is characterized in that the utility model is characterized in that the utility model is characterized in that the utility model is characterized in that the utility model is characterized in that the utility model is characterized in that the utility model is characterized in that the utility model is characterized in that the utility model is characterized in that the utility model is characterized in that the utility model is characterized in that the utility model is characterized in that at least one. A plurality of fixing holes are arranged along the length direction at the bottom of the V shaped groove. The V shaped groove is provided with more than two V grooves which are connected with each other through side edges in turn to form an integral structure. The fixing hole is arranged at the connection of any two V shaped grooves. The utility model has the advantages of novel design, ingenious design, only need to use the utility model can be installed in need of drip position, and convenient installation or replacement, one or several can use sealant adhesive, plastic pipes, screws and other methods with the method of fixed position on the gargoyle.


滴水槽是防止雨水顺墙面向下流时进入阳台内或流到玻璃上的措施,一般是在底面与外墙面交界的地方,距拐角I 2cm处,做一条Icm左右宽的凹槽,这样水就被隔断而不会向内流了。适用于建筑工程中有阻断滴水要求的部位,如突出外墙的窗台、窗楣、包括不出台的窗上口、雨蓬、阳台、女儿墙压顶和突出外墙的腰线等。这些部位均要做滴水槽。在建筑工程中为了阻止水由竖向墙面流到底侧墙面而设计,延结构下部周围布置的凹槽状部位,叫做滴水槽。一般设置在雨蓬、窗口、楼梯踏步下、阳台、女儿墙压顶和突出外墙的腰线等部位。但是传统的滴水槽制作费工、费时、费料,并且质量难以保证。随着时间的延伸,一些滴水槽特别是粉刷装饰时制做的滴水槽有时会出现脱落的现象,造成建筑立面的污染,如果进行修补,更是费工、费时费料,且效果不好。




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