The utility model has the function of lifting excavator belongs to the field of mechanical engineering, without changing the excavator all the features of the case, the excavator sufficient lifting force and flexibility, continuity and hydraulic hoist effectively together. By installing the high-pressure hydraulic oil powered hydraulic motor in the excavator body, driving the winch drum composed by transmission can reverse (1), welding a hanging pulley fixed point at the junction between the size of the arm excavator (7), cut a hole in the side plate of the excavator bucket. A activity hanging pulley nose buckle (8), respectively. The first pulley (2), second (3) in a fixed pulley hanging point (7), (8), nose buckle to hoist rope on the roller (6) through the first pulley (2), second blocks (3) and a small pulley (5), buckle hook (4). Increase the lifting function of the excavator and drag and drop function, the excavator has the ability to lift the wood and small goods. Change the traditional forest logging, clear hill, loading method. The utility model greatly reduces the labor intensity of workers and improves the labor efficiency. Increase the scope of the excavator business choice. Truly energy-saving emission reduction, the country, is the inevitable trend of economic and social development.
本技术的目的是:降低伐木工人的劳动强度,提高山场的出材率,增加挖掘机的作业范围。本技术是:在挖掘机的机身上安装由高压液压油为动力的液压马达,经可退档的变速器带动滚筒所组成的卷扬机(I)。在大小臂连接处焊接一个可以挂滑轮的固定点(7)。在挖斗的边板上割个孔安装一个可以挂滑轮的牛鼻扣(8),分别挂上滑轮,穿好钢丝绳,一台具有起吊功能的挖掘机就可以工作了。本技术把挖掘机的充足提升力和灵活性,与卷扬机的连续性有效的结合在一起,增加了挖掘机的起吊功能和拖拽功能。挖掘机在吊装木材时油门不需要太大,在放钢丝绳时变速器可退到空档,挖掘机只要怠速,一天下来比作台班至少节约五分之二的燃油,一台挖掘机只要 ...