Simultaneous nitrification and denitrification reactor of the utility model relates to a removal of ammonia nitrogen in wastewater, including outer tank, center tank, water inlet pipe and the water inlet distributor, aerator and a guide plate, wherein the center tank is arranged inside the outer tank, and equipped with the outer tank inlet pipe extends into the inner coaxial center tank said, and is connected with a water distributor, inside of the center of the bottom end of the cup body is arranged on the aerator, and in the center of the tank bottom is provided with a reflux hole communicated with the outer tank, the tank internal formation of aerobic zone; and oxygen is formed between the guide plate and the center tank; anaerobic zone is formed between the guide plate and the outer tank. The utility model has the advantages that the utility model provides a short distance synchronous nitrification and denitrification reactor for denitrification treatment of sewage, which has the advantages of low operation consumption, simple operation and high ammonia nitrogen removal rate.
氨氮污水处理方法涉及生物法、物化法的各种处理工艺,目前氨氮处理实用性较好的技术为生物脱氮法、氨吹脱汽提法、折点氯化法、化学沉淀法、离子交换法、液膜法、土壤灌溉法等。硝化反硝化生物脱氨氮的基本原理是:好氧条件下,NH3在自养硝化菌作用下转化为N03_或N02_ ;厌氧条件下,N03_或N02_在异养反硝化菌作用下转化为N2,排入大气。由于硝化-反硝化工艺所赖以依托的两类微生物在环境和营养要求上都有很大的差异,传统的生物脱氮工艺都是将缺氧区(厌氧区)与好氧区分隔开,如A/0系统,占地面积大,运行成本高。近年来,不少研究和报道证明,反硝化可发生在有氧条件下,即好氧反硝化的存在,它为突破传统生物脱氮技术限制,利用一个生物反应器在一种条件下完成脱氮反应提供了物基础,硝化和反硝化技术可以通过控制影响硝化和反硝化基质的投加量或消耗量来实现。此外,利用反硝化过程产生的碱中和硝化反应过程产生的酸,使硝化反硝化过程优势互补。
为克服现有技术的缺陷,本技术提供一种同步硝化反硝化脱除污水中氨氮反应器。本技术的技术方案是:一种脱除污水中氨氮的同步硝化反硝化反应器,其特征在于:包括外层罐体、中心罐体、进水管、进水分布器、曝气器和导流板,所述的中心罐体设置在外层罐体的内部,并与外层罐体同轴设置,所述的进水管伸入至中心罐体的内部,并连接有进水分布器,在所述中心罐体底端的内部设置有曝气器,并在该中心罐体的底端开设有与外层罐体相通的回流孔,所述的外层罐体与中心罐体之间安装有导流板,所述的导流板 ...