The utility model discloses a dryer motor paper packaging structure, including the carton and carton inside the cavity plate installed with the multi partition the separator is used for motor, each partition board comprises a bottom plate, and a plurality of pad plate laminated paper board installed with a positioning board is provided with a plurality of positioning. A motor for positioning slot, a pad plate installation on the floor pad plate is arranged on the positioning board at the bottom, in the positioning slot, the bottom pad plate is provided with a supporting bar, the supporting bar is provided with a groove on both sides, supporting with the stator core side to support the motor. Directly by the side of the stator core to separate the supporting force, stress requirements can reduce the positioning board, which can be used to lower the cost of corrugated board or honeycomb paperboard manufacturing, reduce cost, and has the advantages of simple structure, Safe and reliable, easy to process.
:本技术的目的是提供一种干衣机电机纸质包装结构,该结构简单,安全可靠,成本较低,加工方便。本技术的目的是通过下述技术方案予以实现的:一种干衣机电机纸质包装结构,包括纸箱和隔板,纸箱的空腔里面安装有多层隔板,所述的隔板用来放置电机,每一块隔板包括底板、垫高板和若干块叠合安装在一起的定位纸板,定位纸板上设置有多个用来放置电机的定位卡槽,底板上安装有垫高板,垫高板安装在定位纸板底部,在定位卡槽的底部、垫高板上设置有一条支承条,在支承条两侧设置有凹槽,支承条用来支承电机的定子铁芯的侧面。上述所述的定位卡槽的中心线与水平线倾斜一个角度。上述所述的倾斜角度的范围是I度到20度。上述所述的定位卡槽四个角位处设置有一个限位槽,电机的机壳上的加强筋嵌套在限位槽里面。上述所述的底板、垫高板和定位纸板是由瓦楞纸板或者蜂窝纸板组成。上述所述的纸箱包括上盖,下盖和箱体,箱体的顶部和底部分别安装上盖和下盖。 本技术与现有技术相比,具有如下效果:I)每一块隔板包括底板、垫高板和若干块叠合安装在一起的定位纸板,定位纸板上设置有多个用来放置电机的定位卡槽,底板上安装有垫高板,垫高板安装在定位纸板底部,在定位卡槽的底部、垫高板上设置有一条支承条,在支承条两侧设置有凹槽,支承条用来支承电机的定子铁芯的侧面,直接由定子铁芯的侧面单独来支承受力,可以降低定位纸板的受力要求,从而可以用成本更低的瓦楞纸板或者蜂 ...