
技术编号:8941403 阅读:174 留言:0更新日期:2013-07-20 00:40

Fan dust detecting device for pipeline cleaning robot

The dust fan, the utility model relates to a pipeline cleaning robot detection device, set to the centralized control of the processor, including fan duct, infrared receiving diode D4 set in the air duct the arc center is provided with at least one infrared emitting diode in the circular duct on the infrared receiver infrared emission diode D4 the diode pointing to the infrared signal processing circuit, infrared receiving diode D4 is connected with the driving circuit, the infrared emission infrared emitting diode is connected with the outside, the red emission of the driving circuit and the processor of infrared signal processing circuit is connected with the. The positive effect is set, an infrared receiving diode and a plurality of infrared emitting diodes, infrared light path covering most air duct, which can effectively detect the air duct through the dust, to adjust power vacuum motor, to achieve optimal efficiency.





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