The utility model discloses a new type hydrocyclone cone angle, cone cylinder is provided with a hollow cylinder and the cylinder is composed of cylinder body are respectively provided with a feed pipe and an overflow pipe is arranged on the conical bottom outlet, which is characterized in that the cone cone is arranged on the surface of a convex arc. The convex arc along the axial direction from the middle to both ends of cone and cone decreases gradually and smooth transition, and the inner wall of the inverted cone can be a complete convex arc, also can be in a cone inner wall is provided with an arc-shaped convex cone and cone convex curved ends of the inner wall of the smooth transition of hydrocyclone the utility model relates to a wall of the inverted cone angle, so that the internal flow field of hydrocyclone to produce change, change the residence time in the cyclone, the tangential velocity of the fluid increases The centrifugal force is increased, the separation granularity of the cyclone is adjusted, and the separation efficiency of the cyclone is improved.
众所周知,水力旋流器是一种用途广泛的分离分级设备,自1891年首次工业应用以来,首先在选矿和采矿工业中获得应用,后来其应用领域越来越广,现在已应用于化学工业、石油工业及轻工、环保、食品、医药、纺织等许多工业部门之中。水力旋流器的应用包括固液分离、液气分离、固固分离、液液分离及液气固三相同时分离等;目前选矿和采矿工业中的水力旋流器主要是用于分离去除污水中较重的粗颗粒泥砂等物质的设备,有时也用于泥浆脱水,水力旋流器由上部一个中空的圆柱体与下部一个与圆柱体相通的倒锥体,二者组成水力旋流器的工作筒体。其中的倒锥体可以是一节,也可以采用两节以上,节与节间由法兰相连接,倒锥体内壁的锥面与倒锥体轴线呈固定夹角,筒体上分别设有进料管和溢流管,倒锥体上设有底流口,水力旋流器用泵(或高差)以一定压力(一般是0.05 0.25MPa)和流速(5 12米/秒)将矿浆沿切线方向旋入圆筒,然后矿浆便以很快的速度沿筒壁旋转而产生离心力。通过离心力和重力的作用下,将较粗、较重的矿粒抛出,较小的颗粒物质旋转到一定程度后随二次上旋涡流排出,在长期大量应用的实践中,水力旋流器显示出一些突出的优点,它具有结构简单、操作方便、生产能力大、分离效率高、占地面积小、投资少、无转动部件和易于实现自动控制的优点。同时水力旋流器也有一些缺点一直困扰着广大水力旋流器研究者,如水力旋流器动力消耗大,其进料所用进料泵耗电量较大,因此如何降低进料压力,是研发人员急需解决的难题。专利 ...