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技术编号:8939111 阅读:123 留言:0更新日期:2013-07-18 07:50

Single cavity cleaning system

The utility model discloses a single cavity cleaning system which is used for the automatic cleaning of glass curtain wall and the wall climbing robot. Includes two parts, the first part is mainly composed of a water supply pipe and nozzle, motor, roller brush, support rubber ring, drainage pipe, rubber scraper is composed of single cavity clear mechanism, the second part is mainly composed of a closed box, closed sewage filter, filtered water, circulating water pump, a water inlet pipe, a drainage pipe and a control valve recycling mechanism composed of sewage recycling purification. The utility model has the advantages of simple structure, easy manufacture, the single cavity cleaning system of horizontal and vertical direction have two-way cleaning ability, and has a function of recycling sewage recycling purification, support rubber ring so that the cleaning mechanism has the approximate constant obstacle function, constant pressure and constant pressure can be cleaning the wall cleaning the window frame type barrier function, improve the cleaning effect, high cleaning efficiency, expand the cleaning mechanism of the operating range is reduced to control the robot adsorption force requirements.





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