
技术编号:8939056 阅读:158 留言:0更新日期:2013-07-18 07:49

Foot washing device

The utility model discloses a washing device, comprises a machine body, line box, and is characterized in that the rear portion of the device body wire connecting device arranged in the box, plug wires the machine body is arranged in the line box, a box cover which is arranged in the box in the receiving line for the clockwise rotation. The utility model by assembly line box set, the wire foot washer can be rotated clockwise to achieve storage function in the box cover assembly line box, to avoid the use of washing machine, because the wire does not receive the place, it is easy to make plug wires or fall into the water with water and again put the plug into the power supply electrical connection, short circuit, leakage occurs, smoke, and wire in the protection box, but also prolongs the service life of the wire.





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