
技术编号:8939000 阅读:155 留言:0更新日期:2013-07-18 07:47

Kitchen cleaning device for removing multiple pesticide residues

The utility model relates to a cleaning device for removing pesticide residue of the kitchen, is mainly composed of a cleaning tank, ultrasonic device, light emitting module and control module, the removal of pesticide residues in the kitchen cleaning device can be matched with the development and the kitchen cleaning position, overcome the present pesticide residues in fruits and vegetables cleaning machine single space position of the kitchen, and because the ozone is not stable and cause sensitive to light, easy to decompose pesticide removal effect of defects. This device is used in the kitchen cleaning tank at one side of the box room installation, can be rotated and CNC frequency ultrasound to replace the light source components and CNC system, which is installed above the chamber can rotate and replace the light source components and CNC system, CNC ultrasonic frequency and installed under a different set of frequency generator, and the installation of a plurality of different frequency transducers at the bottom of the cleaning groove symmetrical neighboring, constitute the cleansing and removal of residues of pesticides by one device, the light source and numerical control system was working, removal of pesticide residues in fruits and vegetables.





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