
技术编号:8938976 阅读:256 留言:0更新日期:2013-07-18 07:46

A low iron ultra white glass panel printing oven

The utility model discloses a low iron ultra white glass printing oven door, comprises a glass substrate, the substrate arranged around the periphery of ultra white ink decorative layer, the width of the glass substrate for the whole width of 1/3 ~ 1/2, and the surrounding super white ink decorative layer arranged on the base plate is adjacent, radial and inward gradually converge the inner ring of super white ink for the entire width of the decorative layer, the glass substrate width is 1/10 ~ 1/8, the periphery of one side decorative layer, super white ink inner ultra white ink decorative layer is arranged on the glass layer and a layer of tempered glass tempered together. Low iron ultra white glass super white ink is arranged on the decorative layer, super white ink agent content is two times higher than that of the normal white ink, printing ink film coverage, thick, strong uniformity, leveling is better than normal ink, increase the low iron ultra white printing oven glass doors white, the ultra white glass more transparent, stereo feeling, good stereo effect, full of beauty, high transparency, good observation effect, product quality has been improved.





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