
技术编号:8938953 阅读:172 留言:0更新日期:2013-07-18 07:46

An electric heating ceramic liner slow cooker

The utility model discloses an electric heating ceramic liner slow cooker, including pot shell opening pot cavity comprises a chassis and shell matched assembled, pot pot cavity shell hanging in the fixed seat pan aluminum liner, a heat insulation assembly space formed in the peripheral wall and bottom wall of the aluminum pot aluminum gallbladder bile the outer peripheral surface and the bottom surface of the pot and the liner shell, and the pot in the aluminum liner supporting a suspension set cross section oval structure black pottery pot liner, ceramic chamber of the outer peripheral surface of the ceramic pot liner and ceramic liner bottom aluminum liner wall and aluminum pot and the inner peripheral surface of bile the liner on the bottom surface is formed between the liner and wrap the pot pottery with air conduction medium heating chamber, aluminum pot liner liner on the outer peripheral surface is sheathed with with an electric heating component, the heating component is electrically connected with a multi gear temperature control switch, the pot cover is equipped with glass lid liner pottery. The utility model has the advantages of novel appearance, novel and unique structure, beautiful and smooth line shape, multi file control and convenient operation, and can meet various cooking requirements of the family.





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