
技术编号:8938937 阅读:270 留言:0更新日期:2013-07-18 07:46

Sealing structure for flushing head

The utility model discloses a grouphead sealing structure, including the grouphead component and coffee box, the grouphead component is connected with the coffee box, the grouphead component including grouphead body, fixed frame, sealing element and export export device, the device is arranged in the grouphead the body, wherein the fixed frame and the grouphead body connection, the sealing element is arranged grouphead the body fixed frame and between the; the grouphead body, fixed frame and a sealing member forming a cavity, wherein the fixed frame is provided with holes communicated with. The holes and the cavity. The utility model has the advantages that the sealing effect is good, the resistance in the action process is effectively reduced, the noise in the running process is reduced, the operation efficiency of the product is improved, and the service life of the mechanical part is improved.





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