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技术编号:8938926 阅读:211 留言:0更新日期:2013-07-18 07:45

Novel drinking machine

The utility model relates to a novel drinking machine, which solves the problem of dry burning of a drinking machine. The food with electrodes arranged in a certain position within the water column guide, guide column arranged in the smart seat at the bottom of the intelligent seat is arranged on the top of the shell, water lights, water lights are respectively arranged corresponding to the position indicator, in the hot and cold water head. The heating water bladder is arranged at the upper end of the heating device and is connected with the intelligent seat through the guide pipe. The switch is arranged on the shell to open or turn off the total power supply. The power supply uses the life electricity 220V alternating current, passes through the transformer, the rectifier, the filter, the voltage regulator provides the 5V direct current, provides the power for the entire control circuit board. The DC power supply is mainly composed of transformer, rectifier bridge and three terminal voltage regulator 7805. The water level detection using NE555 timer circuit with the classic electrode through food to water flooded to judge whether the water level is lower than the set, the set is below the water level alarm and control relay off drinking machine heating power.





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