
技术编号:8938909 阅读:190 留言:0更新日期:2013-07-18 07:45

Switch structure of electric kettle and electric kettle

The utility model provides a switch structure and an electric kettle, electric kettle, the switch structure includes a rotating lifting device on the base of the electric kettle on and arranged on the base; and the phase separation of the kettle body and the guide rod; when the base and the kettle body is closed, the the guide rod and the rotary lifting device is in contact with the rotary lifting device drives the rotation, thereby conducting electrical circuit; when the base and the kettle body are separated, the guide rod and the rotating lifting device of phase separation, the rotary lifting device reset, thereby disconnecting electric circuit. An electric kettle comprises a kettle body, a base, an electric appliance circuit and a switch structure. The utility model relates to a switch structure of an electric kettle and an electric kettle, which makes use of the lever principle to realize the connection or disconnection of the switch circuit unit through the rotation of the rotary lifting device through the action of the guide rod.





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