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技术编号:8938752 阅读:298 留言:0更新日期:2013-07-18 07:41

Novel disposable cup

The utility model relates to a novel disposable cup, which is provided with a disposable cup with filtering function and firmness and thickness of the cup body. The disposable cup comprises a cup bottom and a cup body and the cup, the cup body is equipped with a free out of the cup, the inner cup comprises an inner cup bottom, the cup and the cup, the cup bottom is filter structure or pore structure, the inner cup body height is less than the height of the cup body, the inner cup diameter greater than the cup mouth diameter. Using disposable cups of the structure, there is isolation and filtering effect of sheet tea, herbal tea, fruit juice and other Chinese medicine liquid, liquid or impurities, and the glass is not easy deformation, better heat insulation effect, the whole process has a more intimate and comfortable feel.





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