
技术编号:8938697 阅读:131 留言:0更新日期:2013-07-18 07:40

Oil filtering tableware

Tableware capable of filtering oil and filtering soup. The main structure of this design includes a body (plate or bowl) and an oil filtering plate body (plate or bowl) is concave, a small boss is formed in the interior, oil filter plate can be placed in the main body (plate or bowl) small boss on the inside. The oil filter plate is provided with a plurality of small holes, and the utility model has the functions of oil filtering and filtering. The utility model has the advantages of simple disassembly, simple use and convenient combination, and the utility model is easy to achieve the purpose of filtering oil and soup. Before the use of the oil filter plate placed in the tray, and then add food in the tray, so you can simply achieve the purpose of oil filtering, after the use of the oil filter plate removed, respectively, cleaning disk and oil filter plate, dry can be placed.





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