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技术编号:8938686 阅读:218 留言:0更新日期:2013-07-18 07:39

Adjustable cervical vertebra health care pillow

The utility model relates to a cervical vertebra health care pillow, which belongs to the technical field of daily life. An adjustable cervical vertebra health care pillow comprises a pillowcase and a pillow type bag, the main technical characteristics are air pillow including the head area and neck area, in which the head region is composed of three gas chamber, and the back of the head region of each chamber is provided with a fixed hole. The neck protecting region is composed of an air chamber which surrounds the head area, and the neck protecting area is higher than the head area. Adjustable health pillow for cervical vertebra, make the neck joint in the head of natural gravity, achieve the traction joint space, restore the physiological curve of the neck and neck joint normal position arrangement, eliminate the effect of compression cervical plexus joint dislocation, so as to quickly eliminate caused by cervical part and symptoms of adverse reactions.





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