
技术编号:8937763 阅读:157 留言:0更新日期:2013-07-18 07:15

Energy saving tea baking device

The utility model relates to an energy-saving tea baking device, including the underlying baking box and the preheating box in the upper, the baking box and the preheating box are respectively provided with a front door body, wherein the baking box is arranged at the top for electric wire heating and impeller for air, the baking box and preheating box is provided with the first bracket for holding, which is characterized in that the baking box and the preheating box is connected by a ventilation pipe, wherein the inner side of the preheating box on both sides are provided with circular pipes, the ventilation pipe and the two roundabout type pipe connected with the air outlet pipe type two roundabout in the preheating box the top of the device is communicated; recycling exhaust hot air baking oven for upper preheating box tea preheating, energy saving, but also shorten the baking time needed to improve Work efficiency.





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