
技术编号:8937762 阅读:179 留言:0更新日期:2013-07-18 07:15

Impurity removing device for peony seed oil

The utility model discloses a peony seed oil with impurity removal device, including mounted on the support body, the lower part of the side wall is communicated with the inlet pipe and the inlet pipe on the side of the side walls of the pot body is arranged on the upper part of the oil tank wall is articulated with a connecting rod, a connecting rod tubing projection in a straight line, and the inlet pipe the connecting rod is sleeved on the screen, some interval distribution, some filter into the bottom of the tank bottom, whose upper end is higher than the outlet inlet, some from the inlet pipe to filter out of the oil pipeline will gradually increase. The utility model has the advantages of simple structure, the inner wall of the tank through a connecting rod hinged strainer, spaced is sheathed on the connecting rod, the power device under the action of oil into the bottom, from high-end output, the large granular impurities in the preliminary removal, improve the quality of the product.





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