
技术编号:8937316 阅读:185 留言:0更新日期:2013-07-18 07:01

Method, device and system for time synchronization of PCIE equipment

The embodiment of the invention provides a method, a device and a system for time synchronization of PCIE (PCI, Express, standard peripheral extension interface) equipment. The method includes: PCIE equipment through hardware interface to receive send clock source equipment over time synchronization signal, the PCIE device to the time synchronization signal analysis, carrying the clock information obtained by the time synchronization signal, the clock information as PCIE equipment clock, so as to realize the synchronization between multiple PCIE equipment clock. The embodiment of the invention can meet the demand of PCIE equipment clock synchronization or time synchronization, synchronization support PCIE devices to access network, support PCIE equipment as the global clock source, reducing the demand for GPS wireless communication equipment, improve the reliability and safety of the system, reduces system cost, easy maintenance.





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