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技术编号:8937209 阅读:174 留言:0更新日期:2013-07-18 06:50

RF power amplifier circuit with mismatch tolerance

A radio frequency (RF) power amplifier system adaptively adjusts the supply voltage supplied to the PA in response to the measured or estimated power of the RF output signal of the power amplifier (PA). The RF PA system includes a power amplifier (PA) that receives and amplifies the RF input signal to generate a RF output signal at a level suitable for antenna transmission. The PA supply voltage controller generates a supply voltage control signal for controlling the supply voltage to the last stage of the PA. The supply voltage control signal is generated in response to the measured or estimated power of the RF PA output signal and also in response to a parameter indicative of an impedance mismatch experienced at the PA output. By controlling the supply voltage of the RF PA, improve the efficiency of the PA.





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