
技术编号:8936831 阅读:113 留言:0更新日期:2013-07-18 06:16

A fixing device for a fuel supply device on an internal combustion engine and a method for fixing a fuel supply device on an internal combustion engine

The invention relates to a fuel supply device (10) fixing device in the internal combustion engine (11) and for the fuel supply device (10) fixed to the internal combustion engine, in the fixed device, at least one (14) extending along the longitudinal direction and has at least two for connection the device is connected to a corresponding fuel injection (24) the distribution of fuel element (12) by means of at least one connector (36, 36 ') is fixed on the internal combustion engine, wherein, the connecting piece (36, 36') and the distribution of fuel element (12) through the receiver (30, 30 ') connected to the receiving member has a receiving portion (32, 32'), the receiving section completely surrounds the fuel distribution element (12) at least one outer circumferential region and the distribution of fuel element (12) at least one section is connected In the receiving part, wherein, the fuel distribution element (12) in the connecting piece (36, 36) in the direction of (38, 38) in the connection part of the extension of the site (62, 62) in the two connection port (24) connected straight line (64).





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