
技术编号:8936816 阅读:173 留言:0更新日期:2013-07-18 06:16

Exhaust gas purification device

No need to heat the exhaust gas to heat up the burner and to become the reason for the loss of the flow path of the large area of the evaporation tube. Exhaust gas purification device (1), with a turbocharger (2) engine (4) of the exhaust manifold (3), continuous configuration: the exhaust chamber (5), (4) from the engine exhaust port (4a) and exhaust gas collection; catalyst reaction part (8), equipped with multiple internal configuration of a catalyst denitration catalyst tube (7), so that the exhaust gas in the catalyst tube (7) inside of the denitration catalyst contact to decompose NOx in exhaust gas. A nozzle (6) is provided so as to be capable of spraying urea water in the exhaust gas prior to the catalyst reaction section (8). The waste gas containing the gasifying reducing agent is directly contacted with the denitration catalyst at a high temperature state, so no need to reheat the burner. The precursor of the reducing agent is mixed with the high temperature exhaust gas in the exhaust chamber for a short period of time to be gasified or hydrolyzed, therefore, the evaporation tube is not needed.





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