
技术编号:8936804 阅读:142 留言:0更新日期:2013-07-18 06:15

Self closing device

A device is used for drilling and operation of a variety of wells, and is used for the construction and operation of a surface pipeline system. The device comprises a main body 1, a stop valve 2, a potential energy accumulator 3 and a lifting holding mechanism 5, the accumulator 3 is a spring type, and 5 non movably fixed on the main body 1 and equipped with 6 fixed component, a valve body 2 comprises a base 7 and a the barrel body 14 disc, 14 disc surface body 17 has a tapered slot for fixing component 6 of the 18, a mechanism for lubricating oil filling 5 recess 25 filling a lubricating oil formed between 1 and 17 between the body surface and in the interior of the plate body 14 has a tapered surface for 22 the flow through channel 19, the entrance 20 extended to exit 21, and a cylinder 21 is located at the exit of the surface 23, disc 14 contains an entrance is located in the 20 on a replaceable connecting piece 24, a body 7 comprises an annular part 8 on Channel 9 and has a number of cycles a shaft sleeve 10, which is a The invention is characterized in that the cylindrical surface 11 and a spherical surface with a spherical end 12 are formed by the cost of the invention, the device is simplified, and the invention can be used for checking the closing and opening of the cutting device.





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