
技术编号:8932418 阅读:174 留言:0更新日期:2013-07-18 00:19

Method for preparing nickel cubic boron nitride film

Preparation method of nickel - cubic boron nitride thin films, first on the Yin and Yang polar substrate and cubic boron nitride powder cleaning, and then the treated anode substrate and cubic boron nitride powder into the plating solution for electroplating, plating solution by boric acid, ammonium chloride, nickel sulfamic acid and twelve alkyl sodium sulfate is dissolved in deionized water is made, at the same time, in the plating bath is applied to power 250-260W, ultrasonic frequency is 20-40KHz. The present invention in electroplating and ultrasound is introduced to optimize the formula and process parameters of the plating solution, the cubic boron nitride powder produced by electroplating nickel plating cubic boron nitride films were well distributed, no reunion phenomenon, at the same time, the nickel layer film is relatively smooth, cubic boron nitride powder without agglomeration in thin films powder, mosaic is firm.





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