
技术编号:8932417 阅读:157 留言:0更新日期:2013-07-18 00:19

Black process for stainless steel precision wire mesh

The invention discloses a stainless steel precision screen black process, the black process is in a sealed container of precision stainless steel wire mesh weaving are good for cleaning, activation, blackening, the blackening is blackening agent for stainless steel precision screen tensioning the spray mist, and the voltage applied on stainless steel precision screen tensioning, the blackening agent and spray mist formation potential difference and arc discharge, the stainless steel wire and stainless steel blackening agent for precision screen reaction, and in the formation of thin layer surface blackening of stainless steel wire. The precision stainless steel mesh surface obtained by the invention of the blackening layer is uniform and compact, good adhesion, and blackening layer is very thin, not to interfere with the screen aperture; the invention has the advantages of simple process, blackening layer deposition speed, blackening agent does not contain phosphorus, selenium, chromium and other elements have pollution to the environment, can be directly toxic to meet the requirements of environmental protection, emission, and the preparation cost is low.





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