The invention provides a method for adjusting the refractive index of an amorphous silicon film, which is simple and feasible, and the range of the refractive index can be adjusted, and the precision is easy to control. The invention can be realized through the following technical proposal: the use of chemical vapor deposition PECVD silane glow discharge preparation of amorphous silicon thin film, parallel plate structure on the substrate device has a temperature control device on the RF voltage between parallel plates at the upper and lower chamber; control by hot filament gas temperature in glow discharge before the first vacuum deposition at room temperature, keep the 50Pa pressure in the reaction chamber; then glow discharge deposition process, into a small amount of N2O and silane as amorphous silicon thin film reaction gas, trace element and oxygen doping ratio is lower than ten percent; heating the substrate for gas discharge capacitor coupled on the lower plate between the oxygen atoms to form a composite center carrier in amorphous silicon, oxygen atoms doped into the amorphous silicon thin film, the formation of hydrogenated amorphous silicon containing oxygen.
目前非晶硅材料制作的太阳能电池已经得到世界各国的广泛研究和应用,由于其光的吸收系数大,具有较高的光敏性,吸收峰与太阳光谱峰相近,利用非晶硅薄膜制备的薄膜晶体管(TFT)有源矩阵液晶显示器也是当今液晶显示的主流。在用硅材料制备各种集成器件的过程中,氧化硅作为一种常见的钝化层材料,并且作为多层薄膜结构中的调节各种光学参数的关键材料,也得到了极大的关注。在光学器件中薄膜硅材料的折射率极为重要,在精密的光学器件中,材料的折射率将会极大的影响到器件的各种光学性能,通常在保持其光学性能不变的情况下,改变薄膜硅材料物理厚度或者改变其输出光路结构,增加薄膜层数,会导致工艺难度成倍增加,并且精度难以控制,或是改变材料带来的材料之间的匹配问题等等。一般认为,非晶娃薄膜折射率的大小与薄膜中缺陷,杂质以及硅与其它元素的键合方式有着很大关系。现有技术常用的非晶娃薄膜制备方法:PECVD(Plasma EnhancedChemical Vapor Deposition)—等离子体增强化学气相沉积法,是借助微波或射频等使含有薄膜组成原子的气体电离,在局部形成等离子体,而等离子体化学活性很强,很容易发生反应,在基片上沉积出所期望的薄膜。为了使化学反应能在较低的温度下进行,利用了等离子体的活性来促进反应,因而这种CVD称为等离子体增强化学气相沉积(PECVD)。在PECVD工艺中由于等离子体中高速运动的电子撞击到中性的反应气体分子,就会使中性反应气体分子变成碎片或处于激活的状态容易发生反应。衬底温度通常保持在350°C左右就可以得到良 ...