The purpose of the invention is to solve the problem that the existing disinfection water has peculiar smell, residual and other toxic and side effects, and provides a preparation method of sterilized water based on low temperature plasma. The utility model has the advantages that: the invention is characterized in that the utility model is characterized in that the utility model is characterized in that the utility model is characterized in that the low temperature plasma is adopted to carry out a certain amount of working gas through a physical device, namely, a low temperature plasma generator. Taking a certain amount of water, the device is placed on the surface of the water solution or a certain distance from the liquid surface to excite the interaction between the plasma and water. After a certain time of the plasma and water, the water is turned into a sterilized water based on the low-temperature plasma. The method has the advantages of simple and high efficiency and environmental protection, and the sterilized water has the advantages of high spectrum efficiency, no smell, no corrosion and no chemical residue.
医疗器械,生活和办公日用品等的杀菌消毒极为重要。尽管目前现有的杀菌消毒产品非常多,然而多数产品采用化学的方法,常伴有有刺激气味,腐蚀性或是有残留等毒副作用,对人体健康造成一定的威胁。以含氯消毒剂为例,含氯消毒剂有廉价、高效等优点,广泛应用于饮用水消毒、环境消毒,医疗卫生消毒等领域,是目前国际上使用得最广泛的一类消毒剂。然而含氯消毒剂具有以下几个缺点:(I)次氯酸分子在水中分解释放出气体C12,气体C12不仅污染环境,而且还会引起流泪、咳嗽、刺激皮肤和粘膜,严重者引起中毒、窒息而死亡。当使用浓度较大时,人不宜在场。因此,含氯消毒剂一般不宜应用于室内空气消毒。有较强的刺激性,一般不宜应用于人体皮肤和粘膜消毒。因此一种安全、高效的消毒水对保护环境,人类身体健康具有重要的意义,社会效益深远。等离子体是继固态、液态、气态之后的物质第四态,当外加电压达到气体的着火电压时,气体分子被击穿,产生包括电子、各种离子、原子和自由基在内的混合体。等离子体可分为不同的类别:按热力学平衡分类,等离子体可分为热平衡等离子体和非热平衡等离子体;按系统温度分类,等离子体分为低温等离子体和高温等离子体。热平衡等离子体中所有粒子的温度都一样,宏观上表现为高温等离子体。在非热平衡等离子体中,电子的温度可高达数万度,而离子和中性粒子的温度远小于电子温度,整个体系呈现低温状态,所以也称为低温等离子体。低温等离子体存在着大量的、种类繁多的活性粒子,因此非热平衡等离子体可作为高活性反应物应用于多种实际应用中。专利技术 ...