
技术编号:8929958 阅读:167 留言:0更新日期:2013-07-17 21:30

Mute dust recovery device for sand dust test box

The invention discloses a mute dust recycling device used for dust test box, including a box body and the lower part of the box body is arranged in the hopper, the hopper bottom protruding upward into the center convex cone, an annular groove formed between the center and the side wall of the hopper bottom convex cone, center convex cones are arranged in the dust brush motor. The output shaft of motor is provided with a dust brush and brush, the brush frame is provided with a brush and brush in the groove, the side wall of the inner brush and brush groove respectively close to the center of convex cone and an annular groove, an annular groove is arranged at the bottom of the dust collecting mouth is opened, the dust collecting mouth connected dust blower dust blowing, the air outlet of the blower is communicated with the top of the box. The beneficial effect of the invention is: direct contact with the brush to brush the surface, good dedusting effect, and the whole device without the use of chain drive, more stable performance, long life, when the box section can be omitted swing round, brush, brush box for swing settings can be different cross-sectional shapes. The invention also has the advantages of simple structure and convenient operation and use.





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