The invention discloses a biological fermentation of black wolfberry and its processing method, which is the first wolfberry fruit in water rinse, drain all the water, immersed in the culture of every kilograms of ten billion - one hundred billion containing lactic acid bacteria fermentation broth, slow fermentation at 15-23 deg.c for 120-168 hours after the fish out, drain all the bacteria liquid, put into stainless steel the container inner temperature 55-85 and humidity 80-95% environment 72-120 hours of fermentation fermentation, black wolfberry intermediate and then the temperature 35-65 and humidity 62-72% which body between 240-360 hours after fermentation, remove the fermented wolfberry, poured into the enamel cylinder seal, placed in the indoor temperature at rest for 72 hours, fermentation black Chinese wolfberry. The fermented black wolfberry further dry processing, the moisture control in 15-25%, the packaging of instant leisure health food; biological fermentation black wolfberry further by vacuum freeze-drying process, the water content less than 3%, were packed freeze-dried wolfberry black leisure health food; respectively by lactic acid bacteria and natural fermented black wolfberry, more effectively enhance the nutritional quality of Chinese wolfberry, eat more delicious sweet, help the body absorb and help people to carry, convenient chewing.
枸杞,又称枸杞子,为爺科落叶植物(Lycium chintnse)或宁夏枸杞(Lyciumbarbarum)的成熟果实,是著名滋补性中药,被国家卫生部列入《既是食品又是药品的物品名单》。功能滋阴补血,益精明目。《神农本草经》称:“久服坚筋骨,轻身不老,耐寒暑”。《药性论》谓能“补精气诸不足,明目安神,令人长寿”。中医用于肝肾不足、精血虚损所致之腰膝酸软、头晕耳鸣等。现代药理研究结果表明,枸杞尚有降血脂、降压、降血糖等作用,并能增强机体免疫功能;使红细胞SOD活性升高。其多糖有抗氧化作用,实验结果还表明,本品对维护老年人体细胞的正常发育、提高DNA的修复能力及促使衰老细胞向年轻方向逆转都起着有益的作用。枸杞的化学成分主要含有枸杞多糖(LBP)、甜菜碱,类胡萝卜素及类胡萝卜素酯、维生素C、多种氨基酸及多种微量元素。枸杞因产地不同而成分含量略有差异,一等品枸杞总糖含量为39.50%,还原糖33.4%,果糖7.24%,蔗糖5.5%,醛基糖16.7% ;微量元素主要为锌、铁、铜含量为主;枸杞中含有19种氨基酸(包括8种必需氨基酸),氨基酸总量为9.14%(张连富等.药食兼用资源与生物活性成分,化学工业出版社,2005年9月第I版,第171 页)。枸杞品味甘美,营养丰富,我国对枸杞的药用及食用的历史悠久,作为营养滋补性食用主要有干果、药膳和菜肴,也有开发成饮料、酒类、烘干果、免洗干果、枸杞粉(CN1215788C)、枸杞果脯(CN101181055A)、枸杞保健果脯(CN101543250A)等产品供应市场, ...